Partner For Life – Maria Cerboni


Maria Cerboni is a famous and respected figure in the field of motivational speakers, having presented very successful training programs to people from all over the world. She is a very accomplished speaker and teacher of sales and personal development. Maria started her career as a secretary before becoming an executive coach. As a speaker, she has used a variety of presentations including humor to engage groups of people, and her style is very friendly and encouraging. She gained worldwide recognition when she was given the Lifetime Achievement Award at the International Association of Coaching & Development (IACDI) Annual Meeting in April 2021.

When you take into consideration Maria Cerboni’s educational qualifications and professional experience, you will find that she is in a unique category. A certified coach, she has dealt with personal development issues of various types for many years, so there is no reason why you could not use her expertise in your own business as well. She is a very tall woman, and has been a coach or mentor in different fields. She also is a nationality – not Italian, Spanish, Chinese or French – so you can be sure that she knows what she is talking about! She holds a Master’s Degree in Business and Counseling, specializing in leadership and emotional intelligence.

As a tall woman, it may be difficult for some men to consider her as a partner, but this is actually one of the advantages of working with her. She is very aware of what a man wants from a woman, and this helps to create a better business working relationship. It is important to mention that Maria Cerboni’s height does not automatically disqualify her from being a good partner in business. In fact, many have actually succeeded together, using their differences to create a bond of trust and support.
