Partner For Life – Could You Be Cheating On A Nationality?


Cynthia Balout is a French National, but more importantly, a Cuban National. As a National, one can be a dual citizen of two nations at one time. According to the Law of the United States, Cynthia Balout is a dual-national. She was born in Cuba and according to her own father, was half white and half black. Her father never could understand why this would have happened since he was always told her birth story as a child where he was always told that he was part white and part black. It was only when Cynthia left Cuba that he truly came to understand what his family was missing.

So much has been written about Cynthia’s height and some articles state that she is just over six feet tall, but according to her own father, she is closer to seven feet three inches tall. If we accept all the sources that tell us that Balout is only 5′ 11″ in height, then maybe we could also toss in a couple of inches on the hips and a couple of inches in weight loss. We know that Balout weights 118 pounds. The articles also tell us that Balout has medium brown hair, brown eyes, freckles, and a tan that are close to her natural tan.

What we do not know is whether or not her parents are Hispanic or not. We do know that Balout’s father was a physician and worked with the Cuban National Health System. It is possible that Balout has been chosen as the wrong nationality because of her race and her heritage. Whatever the case, her heritage and race should not keep you from loving and marrying a great woman like Cynthia Balout.
