Origins of Isabelle Duras


Recently we have come across a few interesting facts about our very famous actress Isabel Durant. She has been married to different men throughout her life. However, she always remained loyal to her original man (or was it one) for the duration of their marriage. In fact, she was actually born in Italy and thus grew up in Milan, Italy. Although, it might not be entirely true that she never enjoyed being with her family as her mother tongue is Italian and her father was from Kuwait, it is nonetheless interesting to note the fact that she never showed any resentment towards her family on her part. This goes to show that her loyalty and devotion to her father were genuine.

Height: It is interesting to note that there is no concrete evidence that she had been unusually tall or short as per some of the facts written about her in the past. However, we can deduce certain facts about her height by the shape of her face. As we all know, her father had a very large nose. Considering the fact that her face was well shaped and had a broad forehead, it is likely that she had the common features of being tall, with a broad nose and small lips. Considering the fact that her father was tall and stocky, it is safe to presume that she was at least modestly built. The length of her torso might also have been an issue since her father was a big aficionado of bodybuilding and could be seen carrying a very big weight in his shoulders.

Nationality: It is not very clear whether she was of African or European descent. There is no definite proof that she was of African descent but it is believed by some that her mother was of Italian descent. Given the fact that her marriage to Orlando Anderson was arranged by her father, we have to conclude that she was of European descent. Given her status as an actress, her ethnicity is probably not as important as her career. Given that her father was an influential man in Hollywood, we are also able to infer that she would have been eligible for Italian nationality.
