Origins and Career of Isabela Matte


The main star of the movie, Isabela Matte is from Costa Rica and is an accomplished actress best known for her Italian nationality. She has made several films that are both successful and not so successful, such as “Amores Perros” and” Mi Gucci”. Her role in “Amores Perros” was one of the most famous scenes from the movie where she plays the title character, an older woman who works as a seamstress. Her real life nationality is Italian and she was born in Miami, Florida. However, her family is originally from Argentina.

In “Mi Gucci”, she plays Marcie, an aspiring fashion designer who moved to New York City with her brother, Mario. The film portrays Marcie as being a genuine artist and designer who has the perfect eye for what looks good and does not look good. She is an expert in the field of colors and styles. In an early scene in the film, we see her working with a stylist who tries to make her wear the wrong kind of dress. She politely tells the stylist, “I am not a fashionista.” She also states that she prefers not to be treated like a celebrity because she realizes that she is a real person.

Isabela Matte is an accomplished actress with brown hair and blue eyes. She has green eyes and brown skin, which make her one of the youngest known models today. People with Spanish and Italian nationality are almost as common as people with other nationalities. Being an Italian, you can be pretty sure that you will not miss her in any movie anytime soon. Most likely you have seen her in some form or another by this time.
