Opera House Recalls Adriana Sta’s Play


Incorrectly reading Adriana Sta’s captions in this play is the reason why some of the scenes are incomprehensible, and sometimes the meaning of events is completely lost. For example, the third act begins with the mention of Joanna as a friend of Maria as a pupil of Joanna, however later on we do not see her again, nor does Joanna ever address her friend. When Maria asks her about Joanna’s disappearance, she tells her: “A curia Librium, senora mexicanorum, se vida mexicanorum, jugar por elas.” That’s how the English translates it. So either the term “curia librium” is misspelled or it means “house of office”.

It is almost like Sta was trying to pass off her play as an episode of an Italian soap opera and didn’t realize it was just going to be too obvious to anyone who didn’t know Italian that she was translating it as “V Glas per libertas.” This is a play that includes a scene where Adriana Sta’s character negotiates with her mistress, stating that her mistress is paying her too much money for the services that Adriana is giving her. Sta then adds in a scene in which the mistress then tells her: “You don’t need money, now that I’m dead you can buy your dinner from my brother.” In the Spanish original of this would be rendered as: “por elas son contenido, in tempo, pero soy enemas.”

If you are going to read some lines of the Adriana Sta play, at least look up the proper translation for the word “la puerta” on Wikipedia and be done with it. You cannot read Italian, when your mind is in Spain or vice versa. Adriana Sta did not translate her play for anybody else’s benefit, she made it for herself. The opera house in Turin should not have been accepting payments from any company representing Adriana Sta, unless they had given permission by Adriana Sta to use the opera venue as a way to advertise their company. Even though Sta did translate her play for her own satisfaction (as she always does), there is no proof that she intended to imply that Adriana Sta acted on behalf of anybody other than herself.
