Olivia Valere & The Queen of Marbella


There is no denying the fact that Olivia Valere, after her marriage to John Paul Young in 1974 was a very accomplished and successful actress. As an actress she appeared in many popular films and even had a role in one of the greatest comedy films of all time, โ€œAce Ventura: Pet Detectiveโ€. However, in recent years, there has been criticism from some people who feel that Olivia is no longer of the same caliber as before. On a more serious note, some feel that she has lost her own identity and they are afraid to associate themselves with her because of this. In this article I will explore some of the comments made about Valere, how relevant she remains to the public psyche and whether or not it is fair for her and the public to associate themselves with an old lady who has clearly moved on in her career.

The issue that was discussed was whether or not Valereโ€™s move from appearing in small town theaters to appearing on Broadway is a reflection of her failing health. It must be noted that the first indications of trouble in her acting career came when she appeared in โ€œLast Temptationโ€ on Broadway, but this was a long time before she decided to take up dancing as a profession. It must also be remembered that before she took up dancing as a profession, she was an outstanding teacher at an exclusive school for girls. It goes without saying that if you were to go into a high position in the govt industry, your success was based largely on your teaching abilities.

If we were to look at the situation from another angle, would we not consider it unfair that a woman, who excelled in the classroom and was able to teach effectively for so many years, has now lost the ability to do the same on the stage. I also think it is important to point out that not only did Valere lose the ability to teach, but she has now lost the fire that once brought her to the attention of producers and directors. So now we have a situation where we have a former PM of Morocco, with a background in the music business, being given a box-office smash, which fails to tell a story or entertain. I wonder if we will see any other females in the same shoes, as the โ€œPM of Marbellaโ€, Olivia Valere. Let us know what you think in the comments section below.
