Olivia Rose of Nationality #1


Olivia Rose went through what many of us with a celebrity mom go through, and that is feeling like your parent is not on board or not on good terms with you. On The New Day Show, her mother denied her custody of the children, stating that the mother had acted in a neglectful manner in not reporting abuse earlier. Ms. Rose, being married to the father for 10 years stated that she had not been receiving any counseling from the father and wanted to put the children in the hands of their mother. The Nationality Department stated that the mother failed to establish any claim of nationality because she was technically still a U.S. citizen according to The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1996.

Olivia Rose is an actress and model, whom we all hope becomes a household name. The Nationality Department stated that she has lived in the United States since 1971. In 2021, she obtained a Golden Globe nomination for her supporting role in the movie “wings”. Her net worth is in excess of a million dollars.

The question as to how can we trust a woman who is thirty-three years old and is seeking personal life representation in a nation where one does not require a social security number to prove citizenship is answered by this woman. It appears as though she is in a need of learning more about the Nationality Department and how it applies to her personal life. She may be able to attend a sabbatical program or internships in show business in Los Angeles. This shows that our President has our Nationality Department on his side and is determined to protect the rights of everyone. It also shows Olivia Rose is a person of principle and does not have a use for the government; showing the public that she is a worthy human being to be considered for representation by any representative of the American People.
