Old Fashion Trends From the X-Men


The old fashion and trendiness of the 90s were defined by the X-Men, hip hop music, grunge, and lava. These fashions are still popular today, but the “oldest” is still considered to be by people of the 2000s. Fashion styles change often, but if you look at the ones that defined the decade you can see why they are still popular today. The key was always to have fun, stay trendy, and not to let anyone have all the power. Fashion trends change with time, but they never go away completely, so the X-Men, hip hop, and lava still rule!

One of the biggest trends in the X-Men universe has been Cyclops. He is the classic X-Men member and one of the most powerful beings on the team. You might think that a superpower like telekinesis would make him too cool, but thankfully this doesn’t apply to every super power. He has always looked a little old fashioned for an X-Man, so his style has always been in a constant state of change. From his first appearance all the way through the last few years, Cyclops has been a staple of the X-Men franchise. He is an important part of the team and has always been a focal point.

If you like a retro look, you can always take a look back in time with the 90s fashion look. You can try to incorporate pieces from the old fashion styles, or you can pick a piece that is very different from what everyone else is wearing. Whatever your preference, the old fashion trends are here to stay!
