Occasions Where You Can See Olivia Wollenberg


One of the most famous actors in the United Kingdom today, Olivia Wollenberg is known for playing two very different characters, Anna Pigeon in Mulzac and Professor Snape in Harry Potter. Born in Northumberland, Wollenberg is said to be a very talented actress who has appeared in some high profile films. In Mulzac, she plays the character of Mrs Douglass, a socialite who falls for an escaped convict. Following the end of the First World War, she attempts to reconcile herself with her husband, but is left devastated when he backs out of the deal to leave her alone. Two years later, however, she meets a boy named Michael Paine who falls in love with her, but they are torn apart when he discovers that she was having an affair with her stepson.

Following this, she decides to pursue her acting career, which she does in an excellent role as the villainousnicny in Mulzac. It is here that she begins to display her talent for working within the boundaries of a character and also displays a versatility which makes her one of the best leading ladies to ever grace the screens. After a series of unfortunate accidents, she is miraculously cured following a car crash and vows to never let accident get her down again. However, when a mugger manages to enter a fancy restaurant in the middle of the night, she still finds the time to visit with her friend Alice, who is in the employ of a rather wealthy and powerful firm. In the end, she decides to sabotage the company and helps them to destroy the establishment, though she has to first convince her friend, Peter, to help her out.

In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Wollenberg plays the role of Luna Lovegood. The half human, half animal witch is a member of the Committee, which is in charge of watching over Harry during his time at Hogwarts School. While there, she is forced to come face to face with some of her worst fears regarding wizardry, and is saved from the death eaters by a trio of Aurors. As a result, she becomes a much valued member of the group and is respected by both students and teachers alike. She also falls in love with Dean Wormer, but is forced to abandon him when he goes on toying with her emotions, and accepting the love of another.
