OC: Ovarian Cyprus by Olivia Berggren Book Review


The premise of the movie is that Olivia Berggren has been searching for her birth mother since she was a child. When she turns eighteen, the mother figure starts calling every woman she knows to be her partner. This includes her own mother, yet another woman that she does not know very well. They both end up falling in love with each other and having children. As the relationship deepens, so does the tension between their parents and their partners.

For me, the main character, Olivia Berggren, did lack the physical height of her mother and therefore was often underweight. This made her seem smaller than her actual height which is why many directors of this type of movies will heighten her to make her seem more appealing. But, in my opinion, it is not her height but rather her nationality that are the most appealing factor about this film. In America, it is hard to find a woman with that kind of beauty, even though there are plenty of beautiful women from other countries.

It would be interesting to see how many more movies are written about a tall Nordic type woman who has been trained to be beautiful, yet has nothing soft about her. This is something that many American women struggle with because they feel as though they do not measure up. There is hope though!
