Numerology and the New Fashion Trends For 2021


Numerology and the New Fashion Trends For 2021

The fashion trends and style of the year 2110 is called Numerology. In fact it is a numerical designation that has nothing to do with the fashion world and really is a study of the human mind that helps in making fashion decisions. The numbers associated with such study are those assigned at birth, meaning numbers assigned before birth, numbers assigned after birth, numbers assigned in death and numbers kept as personal terms or as zodiac signs. It is believed that all of us have numbers that determine how we will act or react in certain situations. Such numbers also determine our fashion ideas and what we consider as being a trendy idea today may be considered outrageous tomorrow.

Let’s take for example the number assigned to the number one trend of 2110. This means that each year a new leader is chosen to represent the new trend. This new person is often a celebrity or a well known personality that people identify with or admire. It is then a simple matter for the powers that be to announce the new leader and assign the next number in line. The new fashion of this year is represented by a new name that is already being considered in the fashion world. However, for the people who do not have an idea of how the fashion world works; the new name does not carry any value and is basically meaningless.

For someone else the new name might mean a new line of clothing that they would like to try. For others it might mean a brand of shoes that they love. But for others the name still means nothing at all. Even if the new fashion does carry some value with it, the name itself may mean nothing. So if you do not know what the future holds for fashion you better be prepared to change your fashion pick frequently.
