Noemi Bonomo – A Height Problem? – Book Review


Nomi Barrino is a Filipino American woman who stands at 6 feet tall. She has also been professionally known as Mrs. Yamra, or “Yamra the tall lady”. In her early years at school she was teased for her height and was called names like Popeye, due to her habit of climbing over people. The teachers did not like her attitude on this issue, but still gave her time and space to develop her talents. It was her passion for writing that eventually led her to become a world famous author.

In her early years at school she developed very strong opinions about her height, which developed into an intense dislike of heights. She felt like people were laughing at her and calling her names because of her height. She was constantly trying to talk about her feelings of inadequacy because of her height. Eventually this developed into a negative self-image when other students teased her on her not being tall enough to do any work in the classroom. Noemi finally decided that enough was enough and decided to do something about her height problem.

Nomi’s path-breaking career is a great example of how not to deal with your height issue. As a matter of fact, in her case it was about changing her path entirely and becoming a writer. At the time it would have been extremely difficult for her in the Philippines to find work because of her height, but because of her determination she was able to eventually get a writing job in Japan. In this recent interview with Bill Gates as she talks about her own writing career and shares how she uses her creativity and determination to pursue her dreams. Noemia Bonomo definitely deserves the opportunity to live her dream and be the taller woman in the world.
