NLP and Emma Lindstrm


Emma Lindstrm was born in Sweden and is a certified nursing assistant; she worked for years in the coronary care unit before becoming a life coach. When she met her husband, they fell in love and within a few months of their wedding, they were married. Now, years later, they are happily on the path to restoring their marriage and having a family of their own. Their first child came in just as they began to restore their relationship. They have three children; two girls and one boy each with their namesakes, Peter and James. One daughter was born shortly after the wedding and a boy was gifted to them just before they applied for a national certificate of marriage and had their name pronounced with the blessing of the priest and Godparents.

Emma has always had a passion for children; she worked very hard to make her husband’s dream of starting a family come true. Her own experience in nursing assistant work brought her to know and understand the need of working with parents, especially those that have difficulties raising their children. She realized early on that being a nursing assistant was not right for her, since she wanted more; she wanted a career that would give her more opportunities. It was this desire for adventure that led her to become an NLP consultant.

As she studied the various theories and models that are used in NLP, Emma learned that it was possible to help others develop personal strengths that helped them deal with personal challenges and managed difficult situations. Emma Lindstrm’s path to become a national trainer can be traced back to her desire to change her destiny. This can be seen in her desire to share her story with everyone so that they could benefit from her experiences; and also her love and commitment to her NLP partners. This dedication has allowed her to not only help others succeed but to excel in her chosen profession.
