New Zealand Fashion Trends


New Zealand fashion trends are quickly catching on all around the world. With our unique landscape and unique climate we have a unique style of dress that is a refreshing change from other countries styles. The country’s many unique styles are a major influence in helping to form the new modern trends that are taking over the world. These include everything from beach wear, to city wear, traditional styles to modern trends. Let’s take a look at some of the more popular styles and how they are influenced by New Zealand.

Beach Styles Beach style is taking the world by storm and it has become extremely popular. This style focuses around beach bags, t-shirts, shorts and one piece suits. New Zealanders love to spend time on the beach and a casual beach wear can be worn to relax on the beach or catch some rays. This is a relaxed, casual look but can be dressed up with accessories and shoes.

City Fashion When you think of city fashion you probably think of the bustling streets of Auckland and Wellington. Both of these cities have their own unique styles and you can be sure to see people wearing different types of clothing. In both cities fashion trends tend to revolve around smart, clean lines and simple colors. As, well as the obvious colours such as red, blue and black. However, in both cities you can expect to see a lot of other colors being added to the wardrobe. colours like pink, green and yellow.
