New Actors With Big Ears: Can Cynthia Schultz Overcome Her Height Problem?


Cynthia Schultz, the famous character played by Carol Burnett in the movie “Dumb and Dumber” is one of the many faces of Nationality. A confident and intelligent public speaker, Cynthia has a winning personality, but what is also apparent is her height. As the proud possessor of oversts, the accent on her lines is quite pronounced and it can often be difficult for the less confident viewer to understand how tall she really is.

In the case of public image, a confident woman with a naturally high-rise accent is most likely to succeed over someone who is more on the plainer side. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out in the coming years, as the implications of having a big head start are huge for the future of many an American citizen. As we have seen with other successful and influential women such as Oprah Winfrey or Jane Fonda, who possess large breasts, success can be earned, but not without a certain amount of social rebellion. A new image of Cynthia will therefore have to be created by means of a carefully planned public relations campaign, one that will take into account her height and weigh it against her accomplishments and achievements.

It is unlikely, however, that Cynthia’s new image will be embraced by all Americans. There are still plenty of Americans who believe in the old standards of beauty – regardless of race, nationality, or class. In these cases, the height issue will likely have to be addressed politically, with the hope that it will be addressed enough to attract enough numbers of the general population to help sway the culture. With Cynthia’s height and stardom, though, there is little doubt that the public will welcome the new image of Cynthia and her partner, David.
