If ever there was a national treasure, Valentina Bilbao would be it. This Catalonian woman is one of the few people in Spain who has managed to combine the beauty of her native land with the distinct features of nationality. Born and raised in Barcelona as the son of an Italian diplomat, she is the daughter of a distinguished family. And through her many years in international politics, she has managed to transcend the barriers of race, religion, and age to become an icon in both her domestic and international realms.
This talented woman knows how to mix traditional beauty with the intellectual sophistication of an academic. Her long, elegant hair, her elegant, pearl earrings, her chic clothing choices, and her sassy attitude make her the image of a true national treasure. Whatโs more is that she has managed to keep her personal and political identity separate, even as her loyalties have remained steadfast to both.
Born and raised in Spain, Valentina Bilbao understands perfectly well how national identity works. In her mind, she has to preserve both her Spanish heritage and her European nationality, for her very own sake. This is not a hard thing to do given the fact that Catalans throughout history have been able to manage their national identity and keep both their cultural and religious heritage separate. Valentina Bilbao understands that being Spanish is about more than just the flag and the language; it is also about pride, liberty, and honor. Being a national treasure is about being a person of distinction, a woman who stands apart from the rest, an intellectual who looks beyond her differences and believes all of them are still equal.