Nationality or Height?


Noemi Batki stands at only 5′ 3″ tall and weighs 118 pounds. Born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, Noemi has also lived and worked in several countries including Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Italy. A native Spanish speaker, she received her English degree from the University of Reading in England. Batki has been in the professional diving business for a few years, but it was not until November of 2021 that she received the coveted World Series bronze medal. She then quickly followed it up with an Olympic gold medal and a number one ranking in the Women’s National Diving Championships in Russia.

Noemi Batki stands at number four in the all time list of all time divers in Hungarian National Qualifying Races. This means that she qualified ahead of women’s champion Gabor Costner and the silver medalist Belinda Benko. Noemi is also a member of the Italian National Diving Team. She is sponsored by Centro Sportivo Esercito / Triestina Nuoto, and is a candidate for a spot on the Italian Olympic team.

Noemi is originally from Italy, but now calls herself a Hungarian. Despite being born and raised in Budapest, Hungary, she considers herself a true Hungarian because she loves the food and the many styles of music that are common in her homeland. Noemi’s husband, Gyorgy, is originally from Germany and has made keeping up with her diet and her height mission. In fact, Gyorgy and Noemi often battle over the meaning of nationality – in Hungarian, then they’re German, if not then they are Roman.
