Nationality and Leadership in Media Interviews


Emmy Coates is a writer and public speaker who has been invited to speak at the Oprah Winfrey School of Leadership at Harvard University. She was born in Mississippi and she is presently an award winning author and public speaker who have multiple honors for her numerous works. Her notable books include “Shattered Dreams: The True Story of an Ordinary American Girl,” “The Jewel of Power: What Every Woman Should Know About Success and Lessons from a Great Woman’s Life,” and “Why We Want You To Be Rich.” Currently, Emmy is writing her next book and she proudly states that it will be her best work to date. This is not an overstatement considering that the last five years have proven that nothing has been left untouched by the media either in entertainment or in politics. Television, film, and even music are all affected by every political situation and a lot of people think that only negative news is reported.

However, when you look at the track record of people like Oprah Winfrey and President Obama, what is reported as bad news about their careers may actually turn out to be good news for the country. For example, if you take a look at Oprah’s rise to fame and her subsequent shows on television, you can see how her image transformed from a downtrodden underdog to one of the most popular talk show hosts in history. The same thing can be said for President Obama as well as other politicians. In fact, if you take a look at recent presidents who have achieved huge success in their respective fields, you will see that they all have one thing in common. They are all Nationality.

When looking at an interview with Emmy Coates about leadership, one may find out that she is also a Nationality. It is interesting to note that a person with a high educational background yet who is still working in an environment that does not accept her Nationality can only benefit from this type of exposure. It is important to note that without being a public figure, it is possible for someone who is already popular and well known to also experience an unexpected surge in popularity from being exposed to the public eye.
