Nationality and Height Issues


Angelica Andersn is a Nationality American singer, songwriter and actress. Born in Southern California and raised in Inglewood, California she is finished and German decent. Angelica was a rather strange looking woman, at one point wearing very long hair that was dyed purple. It led many to conclude that she must have been a member of the Merchant Mafia because her hair style matched that of the notorious “hairless Chihuahua” type of dog. Angelica was married three times before finally marrying in 1971 and settling down with her third husband Al Arsenault in Los Angeles.

Although Angelica is normally referred to as an American Nationality singer, her originalanish and German birth name was Anders Anderson. Her maiden name was Angelica Romantica. After her marriage to Al Arsenault Angelica began a career in which she appeared in some rather high profile films such as “Guess Who’s There” as well as “Dancing With The Stars”. From this point on Angelica’s career quickly declined, although she did have a resurgence in her popularity in the seventies and eighties.

After her marriage to Al Arsenault Angelica continued to work hard at her acting career, appearing in a variety of films including “My Fair Lady”, “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and “The Perfect Score”. Later in life Angelica became involved in political activism, volunteering with the Women’s Political Committee of the United States. It was here that her Nationality and height issues would surface. When asked if she had ever considered herself a European, Angelica responded with an affirmative answer. It has since been revealed that Angelica had never actually seen America and was instead referring to the color of the carpet in her home in Sweden.
