Nationality and Aida Tihic


Aida Tihic was born in Athens and educated at the Strazakiye High School. She is described as intellectual and intelligent with an East Indian Nationality that is described as “fair-skinned”. She was described as a dancer for the Opera before pursuing her academic career in mathematics, and has worked as a math professor at the University of Tokyo. Aida Tihic is described as a strong woman who prefers to take life easy and does not look too concerned with being involved in political or world affairs. According to some Greek historians Aida Tihic was the real founder of Cyprus, has written a number one book detailing her family background.

Age and nationality do not seem to be a factor when it comes to Aida Tihic’s nationality. According to some Greek historians, Agra was chosen by Alexander the Great from among the womenfolk of Delos in Asia Minor for his first wife. This is possible since there are descriptions of young ladies visiting Delos seeking wives to marry their husbands. The word Asia Minor refers to Asia as a whole consisting of the present countries of Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Cyprus. If this is true, then Aida Tihic could have been a member of an extinct Turkoman race.

In modern times, Aida Tihic married Cosmo, a Greek sailor, and they had two children. However, there is no evidence that she had children of her own while she was a slave in Turkey, probably serving as a concubine to wealthy men. She certainly spent considerable time in Athens, which was to be expected given her educational and artistic talents. It is also possible that her husband was not her real father, but another person that came from Cyprus.
