Nationality and Age in Dating


One of the most interesting things about Nationality and Age is that it can make all the difference in a relationship. Not long ago, I was discussing this with an acquaintance, an academic with a PhD in Social Work, she said that if you are not a national, you are not likely to date a national. The reverse is also true in a dating relationship. If you are a national, and a member of a minority group, then you have a distinct advantage over your more dominant, less diverse partner.

For instance, in my own company there are often very large racial differences in income levels among the men and women in the company, but even within departments. Yet, despite these large differences in income levels, there are usually very equal relationships between the men and women in all the different departments. And it is these sorts of differences that can make all the difference in a relationship for me, an Angie Rose, a national, a minority member, and a woman looking to have a long term, serious relationship with a man, or man. It is the differences in what I would consider “nationality” that make the difference in a dating relationship for me, an Angie Rose.

The difference in our heights for most of us is not an issue for most of us, our partners do not see this as an issue. But for someone like me who has dealt with these sorts of issues in the past, it can be a huge difference. We have different physiques, different heights, different hair lengths, different skin colors, and different facial shapes. It does matter in a dating relationship.
