Nationality and Age


Casey Gore has been called the Nationality’s Ace and now he is set to challenge Dory for the title of Nationality’s Champ. This will be the first ever wrestling match between two American-born citizens of the same descent, in the District of Columbia. The question that I have for you before we even get started is, “Do you really know what your competition looks like?” In other words, do you know what nationality they are and how old they are?

I’m willing to bet that 90 percent of our country folks have absolutely NO idea who Casey Gore is, how old he is, or what nationality he comes from. He has been described as the Nationality’s Ace by his promoter, but all I see are a bunch of promoters trying to sell him to anyone who will buy his ticket. I think it is important to be honest about who you are, where you come from and where you are going. If you are an honest businessman who has been successful, then people will respect your success. If you are hiding who you really are behind a mask of a successful personality, then people will think you are fake and that you are lucky.

Height is an issue in wrestling. Many wrestlers who are shorter than Vince McMahon will have trouble getting where they want to go in the business. Why? It is because height is what gives the WWE the advantage to match up against taller opponents. Many wrestlers who are under 5′ 10″ have a hard time fitting into the WWE.
