Nationality – An Age Old Conflict Among Ethnicities


The stunning Yasmin Gardezi is a candidate for Miss Nationality and has been called ‘the new Turkey’s First Lady’. She is now vying with several other candidates for the post of first lady. She is from an ethnic minority, though her family is Christian, and have Turkish origins (though not necessarily the Turkish ones). In fact she has adopted the Turkish national dress, the Kurta. However, that is not where her true identity as a candidate for Miss Nationality ends.

For starters, Yasmin has never hidden her origin or nationality, being proudly known as a Turkish national while wearing her native aorta. She has always proudly conveyed to the world her Turkish roots, and how her ancestors migrated to this country over a century ago. The information about her heritage was freely given to people who were curious about it, and even asked about it by people who knew more about it. Thus, from the moment she launched herself into Miss Nationality, it was clear that this was no simple “girl next door” affair.

It is not difficult to conclude that what led Yasmin to take such bold steps in relation to her personal identity as a candidate for Miss Nationality was the realization that her long-time partner had not supported or looked forward to her becoming a part of the Turkish Nationality. Her partner, it turns out, had fallen out of love with her and had never been interested in her attaining any nationalities or titles. The breakup left her feeling lonely and rejected of her partner, which is why she sought out this opportunity to acquire a title for herself.
