Nationality, Age, Career, Accent


One of the most recognizable faces in Russian media today is Adriana Turkmen. Born in Yaroslod, she is a famous singer, actress and model. Her wide variety of credits range from films and theater to music but she has always been open about her roots as a Russian and national. She was married to prominent producer Arty Semyonov, who is one of the most powerful men in Russia today.

Adriana has had a very public falling out with her husband and with all her celebrity friends. She is said to have felt Russian since her childhood and is said to have embraced many of the traditional aspects of Russian culture. She has had some representation in the western media through articles by writers that are critical of her image as an icon of modern Russian culture. A biography was even written by one of her former lovers.

The Handbook, a comprehensive online source for getting access to celebrities and influencers personal information, offers full background on Adriana Turkmen, including her nationality, age and place of birth. It also provides extensive information on her personal life and her achievements both in theater and film. Full profile includes pictures of her and some of her famous movies and plays such as The Nutcracker and Hamlet.
