Nationality, Age and Profession


Juliana Mussel is currently a contestant on The Amazing Race 21 where she competes against the other six men in the competition from all over the globe. She is originally from New Orleans but was given citizenship of Mexico due to her parents’ status as illegal aliens. Her original birthday is still celebrated as Juneteenth. That is why it can be said that the Nationality or ethnicity issue is the least of her concerns as Juliana is now focused on becoming the next champion.

Juliana is a tall and athletic woman with dark hair who stands at only 180 cms. Her complexion is pale to a slight tint of greenish gray. Her features are not that prominent and do not feature freckles, acne scars or birthmarks. Her bones do not appear deformed and are not unnaturally slender either. Her profession and height are both accurate and fit into the category of “natured” but still reminds of a woman who is at home in her own skin – even if that is not her actual nationality. Her occupation as a dancer is not really considered a profession because she performs it as a means of livelihood.

This is the type of woman every woman should aspire to be. Her ethnicity is a result of natural born nativeness and being of Hispanic descent. Being born of a nationality or ethnic background does not automatically make one an intelligent, mature-thinking human being with a professional conscience.
