Nationality, Age and Investments of Partners


Ashley Ienco is a Nationality boutique consultancy located in London. Ashley Ienco looks at things from the perspective of how a company or person can gain benefit from their Nationality, and as such, they look to provide a service for both businesses and people looking to identify Nationality or match themselves with another Nationality. The Nationality aspect of Ashley Ienco goes beyond matching a business with its customers by actually suggesting and assisting customers in the purchase of goods and services that would otherwise have been overlooked because of the Nationality or the ethnicity of the customer.

For instance, you may have a business that is European and is looking for a local partner. However, if your local partner is Jewish and thus has no investment in your European business, then there are many risks that could be involved in a partnership with an Ashkenazi Jew. Ashley Ienco will help guide you in how to look at these risks and the associated benefits. As such, Ashley Ienco looks at these matters in the Nationality or Ethnic context of the partner. This is not something that you would normally expect from a boutique consultancy to do.

In fact, this is not even something that is typical of such a consultancy. More so, it is one that is expected to go one step further and look at the Nationality, ethnicity, age and investments of both parties before recommending a business partnership. Ashley Ienco has thus helped introduce new and different business ideas into the UK market, and as such, is already proving to be one of the biggest success stories in the fashion sector. They are constantly looking at Nationality and matching it with the right partner so that both the client and the firm make money.
