Natasha Sherpa


Natasha Sherpa is a professional from Nepal, who is popularly known as Nushunda. Her first language is Nepali, but other than that she speaks English, Punjabi, Hindi and quite a few others. She was working in international business before her marriage to an American in Boulder, Colorado. They had been together almost six years when the wife became pregnant and in order to support the family she started a second job as a nanny. That enabled them to send both their children to college.

When the recession hit Nepal the business dried up completely and Nushunda found herself jobless. At this stage she was only earning less than the price of a good evening out for her husband. After looking around in a lot of different jobs she decided to open her own boutique. It was during this time that she decided to use her knowledge in the business to open her own international day spa. The business went well until she discovered that her national origin was not recognised by many international businesses.

After this she concentrated on expanding her business to include the services offered in Nepal. Today Natasha Sherpa offers massage therapy, body massage, hair styling, detoxification, facial and nail care, make-up application, shampoos, perfumes, home-delivered meals and even yoga. The business is so successful that it now out-performs most other day spas in America. If you have an American national who is not familiar with Nepal and is in search of a relaxing and stress-free place to spend her vacation then do check out her website. Her work is recognized by many people all over the world and she enjoys making a very good living helping others relax.
