Natasha Nikitenko – A Love Story


Natasha Nikitchenko is not only an amazing professional wrestler but is also one of the best known Russian women’s wrestlers in the world today. Her marriage to Fedor had been arranged by the Fenerate leadership when they discovered that Fedor had blacklisted them. At first, it seemed as if nothing could happen between them, but Nikitchenko quickly began making moves to have the marriage dissolved. She has always maintained her love for him and even appeared on a few occasions on the world wrestling show to promote his matches. In fact, she was so popular that she got a new five-year contract with WCW that summer, right after they brought in Triple A.

While most weddings in Russia are arranged by the groom’s family, the marriage of Natasha Nikitenko was quite different. She started dating several men while maintaining her relationship with Fedor. When they broke up in the fall of 2021, she continued to be involved with several men, even though she made her way clear to both husband and wife that she intended to remain with her husband. This included signing a new contract with WCW that would keep her there through the end of her career. Even though they had never planned on getting married before, they were both glad that they had decided to make the jump when they realized how much money it would bring to their home country.

The length of the match itself was not the main attraction for Natasha Nikitenko. Instead, what really got her going was the fact that she got to work for some of the biggest names in professional wrestling. While she did not win any matches, at least not while wearing a WCW uniform, she did get the chance to work with some of the best in the business. She has expressed since that she would like to continue to work for TNA, but she knows that her time will come soon enough that she will not have to do so.
