Natasha Newton – Height And Class


Natasha Newton has had an impressive career that spans over half a century, starting out as a nobody in her native Australia, working her way up the ranks to become one of the biggest stars in Hollywood. She worked with some of the best directors and producers in Hollywood and was rewarded with eight Academy Awards including Best Actor award for her first major role in a Hollywood film. She also won four Golden Globes for her performances in both Gladiator andail. Now she continues to be an active and vocal political activist, and has recently decided to take on her much loved role as President of the United States of America in the biopic, Great White King.

The question of why Ms. Newton decided to play a president of the USA in a biopic, is quite understandable given her stature in Hollywood, and given the box office success of such movies as Gladiator. But it is important to understand the historical significance of the character of President Washington, so as to understand why she decided to portray such a famous personality from our past. It should be noted that both Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt was American President’s who helped lead our country to greatness during our history. However, the difference between the Presidents was that Lincoln actually accomplished what he set out to do, whereas Roosevelt instead of being a hero to the people he helped was a hero to his bankers and other corporate leaders.

Natasha Newton is one of those rare exceptions where a biographer manages to effectively highlight not only the accomplishments but the personal aspects as well. This is another aspect that makes her acting resume unique, as she is not only known for her great physique, but also for her amazing acting skills. She is known for playing powerful female characters that still manage to be appealing and humanized at the same time. As such, when one watches Great White King, one is left wanting more of the same, and not just a re-telling of history.
