Natasha Natty – Nationality or Brainwashing?


Natasha Natty was the Russian beauty who appeared in a world famous British film, called as Black Natty. She was a dancer, singer and actor, but always remained a true Russian. The name of the film itself was based on Natya herself – Natya had appeared earlier in another film called Gorilla. She appeared as a very young girl in Gorilla. Later on, she became a famous personality in her own life and along with her partner, Valentina Yuretska (a famous actress from Ukraine) they were able to create a film career.

Natasha Natty is a woman who was born in Alma town, Ukraine. She has described her nationality as “real” as she does not identify with any kind of nationality. She has said that nationality is a kind of brainwashing. This is the reason why many people do not want to call themselves by their real names. She is an example of such person.

Natasha Natty has created a unique fame among the public by her first big break. It happened when she appeared in Gorilla. The film was directed by Mike de Leon. The role that she played was the Russian national, Natya. Though she was only 16 years and was known as Natya’s lover, the director kept the part for her since she displayed a good performance.
