Natasha Moor on the National Geographic Show “The Great Show”


Natasha Moor is a well known name within the United Kingdom for being a well-known sex symbol, but in recent years she has achieved an even higher level of popularity. She has appeared in a number of high profile films and shows, most notably “Golden Eye” and “Mu Lan” for Fox Searchlight. Her appearance earned her the role as the Russian spy Vasili Oschepkov in the film adaptation of George Orwell’s “The Road.” Oschepkov’s ethnicity was initially unclear, but he is portrayed by an Australian-born actor named Michael Caine.

Natasha is one of few British actors to have worn a white hat during filming for any film since the 1960s. This is not an easy task for a woman of her stature. This is because she was a lesbian prior to her role as Vasili. However, it was later discovered that she had been dating another woman since the late nineteen-seventies. These days, she prefers to wear red lipstick.

Natasha’s height and weight are both in question. She has described herself as “not very tall” and “a bit on the chubby side,” but her real age is seventy-three. In all probability, her real age is closer to seventy-six or possibly even seventy-seven.
