Natasha Goncharova – A Unique Female Role Model in Today’s World


Natasha Goncharova is a name that has become synonymous with success in business, but is actually the name of her husband’s company. In fact, his business is actually a very successful Russian Oil company. The reason they married was because it was an ideal marriage match for them and their son. That was back in 1990 and they have been happily married ever since. That is why their son was named after his mother.

But what makes Natasha Goncharova such a unique personality is her passion, love, commitment, desire to serve, compassion and desire to uplift lives that she encounters on a daily basis. She has always viewed her job as more of a mother than a career. She has four kids and works as a nanny to support them. She has also had some acting engagements in the past, but all of them were brief affairs that did not go anywhere. The most interesting aspect of her job is that it is not only a way to earn money but also a way to help other people in need.

Natasha Goncharova’s roots are primarily Russian, but she considers herself much more of an American first. The name Natasha is actually a nickname that she gave to herself when she was seven years old and was a student in New York City. Her last name is Goncharova which means ‘mountain joy’. It is a name she plans to use forever.
