Natasha Behnam – A Nationality and a Height


Natasha Behnam is an Australian actress, singer, and model. She is thirty-three years old and has been married twice. She was born in Singapore and became a citizen of Australia in 2021. She has a son with her husband, Ryan Le Cheval.

Natasha has been the center of attention for a while now because of her increasing age and Nationality. Her parents both hold citizenship of Singapore, which makes her eligible to apply for Singapore citizenship. She has two stepchildren from her first marriage and those marriages were both dissolved when she became a permanent resident of Australia. She did not like her first marriage, calling it boring and stressing about her loneliness while she was writing song lyrics. She felt that she had to find love elsewhere and that is what she did in her second marriage.

Her name means “crown” in Chinese. However, according to some sources, her real name is Nadezhda Khrunie. She went to great lengths to be the height of beauty, having an alleged natural height, by using expensive and unsafe weight loss and exercise regimes, undergoing plastic surgery, herbal body-building, hypnosis, etc. She believes that this is what helps her maintain a young and slim physique. Many say that her slim figure is a result of a good diet and exercise coupled with good genes. She is also reportedly very popular among the Singaporean public for her beauty and nationalities.
