Natasha B Derekou โ€“ A Trampoline Princess


Natasha B Derekou is a world famous figure skater and one of the more famous woman in the ice skating world. Her name is well known around the world, as she has won the US National Championships six times, as well as the Olympic gold medals. She stands at 5ft 7in and was known for being rather petite in her younger days, though some have said that her size has improved since then. She was married to Richard Hamilton, a well known figure skater, for 25 years, before they broke up in 1996. After this, she has been known for her successful coaching of other sports people, including hockey players, basketball players, and even football players.

She has won many awards for her achievements and became popular in France, where she lives and has become known as a motivational speaker about the importance of being tall in life. She has appeared in many TV shows and also appeared in some films, including a very good role in the movie โ€œDumb and Dumberโ€. She has now retired to be a full time mother, and also runs a sports coaching business, which she runs from her home.

The great thing about Natasha B Derekou, is that she has managed to maintain a height that is much older than her actual age. In her case, that would be about 48 years old! She is in an excellent position, having not suffered much from the loss of height, and even has a great figure, which would have been hard if not impossible to achieve, when she was young. She says that her nutrition helps her to stay healthy, but she must be careful not to push her lifestyle too far, as she is already overstuffed. Itโ€™s a good thing that she is content with what she has and looks good as well. The only possible danger for her would be if she tried to gain weight, as she already has a small body frame.
