My Spouse is Extremely Tall – Do You Recognize a Problem?


Emma Studies is one of the favorite blog pages, she is absolutely amazing. These are just two of her favorite printables from last year 🙂 Enjoy, every month we will give away one of our favorite printable quotes every month! This Month: Nationality and Height. Why? I’ll tell ya why, Nationality and height are a very common problem in relationships, and most people have at least some perception of what it means for a woman to be taller than her partner!

I was talking to my boyfriend about this, he said “I don’t think it matters to you, it’s just a biological difference”. I couldn’t disagree more with him and went on to explain to him how I felt about this. ” Emma studies Nationality and Height, and I think that being tall is a negative thing” He said ” Well, there are only a few people who really like being tall, and they are the ones you usually see on TV stand up comedians”. I was a little bit embarrassed that he didn’t know about it, I mean he is funny, but he is so much smarter than me, and so I feel very lucky that he is able to pick up on things like that. Anyway Emma studied a little about Nationality and Height in her research, and we came to the conclusion that not only does he have a valid point, he is spot on with his logic.

Now then, there is something else that I would like to share with you, something that I think is pretty important! If your spouse is extremely tall, you should take steps to make yourself less tall! There is a little trick that I used with my girlfriend once, and it worked wonders. We were at a party, and she was sitting next to me, and she put her hand on my leg and massaged my leg. After a few minutes I noticed that my blood pressure was elevated, and it turned out that she was massaging my leg for 45 minutes straight!
