My Nationality, Fernanda Caballero, Is Very Important


Fernanda Caballero was born in Uruguay and trained as an architect before discovering her true passion which was writing. She has been a writer for many years but this book is not about her career or even about writing. This is a memoir about the many phases of her relationship with her partner, Carlos Ezquerra, who is from Colombia.

There were times when Fernanda was more concerned about how she would look in a bikini than about if her legs were long enough or whether she could sing or play an instrument well. She wrote about the difficulties she had in getting these things to measure up to expectations. From her own observations she realized that most people who are attractive often have issues of insecurity about their appearance. From reading her notes on Carlos’ expressions and body language, it is apparent that this insecurity extended into both their physical appearances and into their profession too.

Fernanda spent five years traveling throughout Colombia and the United States. In between her travels, she married Carlos, a U.S citizen, and traveled to Cuba as a translator. Eventually, the two of them decided that being both Colombian and Puerto Rican, they would like to identify as both. This brought about a new identity for Fernanda, one that did not take into consideration her nationalities or ethnic backgrounds. It is amazing how quickly time changes perspective when you are not looking at it through the right lens. Fernanda’s story reminds us that we should be proud of who we are and look at our differences as learning opportunities rather than reasons for judgment.
