Fashion is the ever-changing phenomena with each passing year and this includes Mental Illness Fashion. Fashion is not a sport that requires the athletes to be fit like the physical fitness sports, they are more concerned about how they look on the outside. Fashion as we know it now started way back during the Medieval Times and was restricted to the court of the ruling classes. No one in those times ever considered Mental Disorders as something that is unacceptable, but that has changed.
With the modern era came the awareness and when people realized that Fashion was starting to influence and change the way they behave, they fought against it fiercely. Fashion meant to bring out what you want your body to do, so why give in to what the government and media tell you to do? People like to wear what makes them feel good. But if people start to accept what is considered to be a Fashion Trend and then losing their minds because of it, then what is the point of having it?
Fashion, an epidemic filtered in black and white, is not always that harmless, even when it means turning yourself inside out to make it look nice and presentable to the media. Fashion should be about what makes you feel good, but sometimes it can get out of hand and become an addiction, a realness brought on by the desire for recognition, which in this case, would be the self-esteem issues and not to mention the fact that some of these people who suffer from such disorders or who have been diagnosed with such mental illnesses have lost the ability to control themselves. That is why I say, why not follow what your heart (and mind) say instead of what the mass media (i.e., everybody else) says because your heart (and mind) know better. In other words, donโt be another victim of fashion, just because everybody else thinks thatโs what you should be.