My Husband Left Me Because He Was Passionate About a Single Woman โ€“ Why Every Woman Should Read This


Natasha Valencia is an eighteen-year-old single mother of two who has just obtained her legal age to get married. She is described as an attractive girl of average height with dark hair and eyes that sparkle with promise. The only problem in this picture is that she is trying to get into a relationship with a man in her town, Valentino, who is thirty-four years old and lives in another part of the country. After spending several days with him she realizes that he is more of a friend than a partner and even though she loves him it just isnโ€™t going to work. She goes to her parentโ€™s house with her friend Maribel to help her mom deal with her coming divorce.

This book tells the story of what happens to Natasha after she leaves Valentino and goes back home to live with her mom. She starts going out with her new boyfriend Don Pedro who is also a young man in his early twenties. They spend time together doing things like dancing and shopping but everything goes well until one night when Natashaโ€™s mom finds out she is seeing Don Pedro. Her mom doesnโ€™t tell her, of course, because she thinks it would upset Natasha. But when her mom calls Natchios to tell her about the affair Don Pedro immediately flies off the handle and professes his love for Natasha.

So what does the author ask you to do? Just follow the text to the letter and make sure it is legal age for marriage in your state before you sign on the dotted line. Then there is a short story set in the same city at the same time as the real story. It introduces you to both men and women who are involved in this story. It explains why Don Pedro is so crazy about Natasha, how her mom saved her from a life of sexual slavery in Brazil, and why she ultimately decides to marry a man in her town. This is a true story, not a story by a woman who claims to have experienced it.
