Modeling Is Not Just For Pregnant Women


Isabela Serpa is a well-known Latina model from United States, best known for representing famous designers. She has been criticized on many occasions for not revealing enough information about her nationality or ethnic background. Her defenders argue that revealing her true ethnic identity would hurt her chances of ever getting work as a Latina celebrity because many agencies and employers do not allow models with such dissimilar ethnicity in their roster. It must be noted that even though most modeling agencies and directors are sensitive to the situation of larger models revealing too much about their nationality, they themselves are hardly concerned about revealing too little.

However, there is more to her career than just her nationality. Modeling requires one to maintain good body proportions, keep healthy, have good skin and have an attractive facial appearance. While some attribute her looks to her native Spanish or Mexican heritage, it is actually her professional skill that gives her the appealing face that many agencies and directors are seeking these days. It is this skill that allows her to maintain an appealing height and weight, allowing her to successfully enter the world of fashion.

The debate over the age of models is still raging. Some say that the only real way to determine the actual age of a potential endorser is through her birth certificate, while others are of the opinion that a potential endorser’s actual age can be established by checking the height and weight of her photographs taken. Whatever may be the case, one thing is for certain – models today have to stay young in order to stay in the profession. Being a young person in a profession that usually requires you to stay young, naturally means that you need to keep your weight at a reasonable level.
