Meghan Basinger – A Contributing Writer For All Those Who Know Her Best


Meghan Basinger is a contributing writer for numerous national publications, including People and Star. Her articles are often “asked” by readers and have made Meghan a sought after guest commentator on several television news programs. Meghan has appeared on Fox News Radio’s “The Kelly File” and CNN’s “New Day.” She is also a contributing writer for the New York Times Magazine. Meghan is currently dating a Canadian-American actor named Alex Cross.

In her own writing, Meghan has written about topics such as immigration, relationships, the media, celebrities, politics, literature and often appears with a capital “P.” Meghan’s love life has been the topic of several books including Peeny-Baxx and What’s Mine is Your Land. She is married to a U.S. citizen and the couple have three children. Meghan has also published works in several popular online magazines.

Meghan Basinger was raised in Southern California and earned a degree in communications at Pacific University. After a brief stint in marketing, Meghan became a writer who focused on romance. Meghan began her writing career in the field of fiction when she attended college and worked hard to get a handle on her writing skills. She is passionate about the lives of young women and appreciates all the help that has been provided to her along the way. Meghan Basinger has contributed articles to publications like People, Seventeen, Self Magazine and Glamour.
