Maya Shriki – A Nationality Divorced And Enrolled In Law


Maya Shriki is a colorful character, who was played by Priyadarshan Soman Nair in the movie, “Maya and The Secrets of Spies”. Maya Shriki is an attractive young woman in her early twenties, who is working as a call center agent in New Delhi. A committed and responsible woman, Maya has a degree in Business Administration from a reputed college and she is well aware of her importance to her employer. She has strong nationalistic views and whenever she is called into a situation where she is required to choose between her principles and her job responsibilities she always opts for her nationalistic credentials.

Recently, Maya’s employer has sent her to a maternity leave and this has triggered off Maya’s interest in attaining a higher education and becoming a lawyer. Although Maya is not considering switching careers as she deeply admires her present occupation and would love to continue in her current post, her patriotism and determination to excel in her chosen profession are interfering with her decision making. Despite her dedication and hard work at the workplace, Maya is unsure about her path in life and whether she should pursue a higher education or consider taking up a part time job which is more practical and less costly. She wants to be a business attorney and is not sure about the legality of this profession considering that it entails the practice of law dealing with financial matters. But even if she continues in her present job she still longs to increase her qualification and be appointed as a bar lawyer which is a much sought after post considering that only a few can get this kind of position in the legal profession in New Delhi.

Maya’s current partner Mr. Soman Nair, a software entrepreneur has recently come under a lot of stress and pressure due to his recent divorce from his wife of fifteen years. Maya feels that since her husband abandoned her she has become totally dependent on him and is unable to lead her own life without him. Despite being a committed and loyal wife, Maya has realized that she cannot be in a relationship with someone who does not respect her nationality and her decision to study medicine. She is also worried about how her new profession as a lawyer will impact her relationship with her family and the people whom she loves most.
