Max Boot Promotes Nationalized Healthcare?


Max Boot Promotes Nationalized Healthcare?

Max Boot is a senior policy adviser for three consecutive Republican presidential bids. Today he is a contributing writer at the Washington Post, contributing articles to the Wall Street Journal, and a contributing editor at Human Rights Watch. In 2021, Boot served as communications director for John McCain’s presidential campaign. Prior, to that role he served as communications director and speechwriter for George W. Bush’s campaign. He also served as press secretary for former VP candidate Dick Cheney.

What exactly did max boot do in his role as communications director and speechwriter for president Bush? According to the Washington Post article, he delivered a series of “stump speeches” in key states across the country in an effort to bolster support among primary voters. In one of those speeches, he referred to the need for a strong national defense, but also laid out a vision for America, one of protectionism and an active war against Islamic radicalism. According to the Washington Post article, he also said that America was at risk of going backward, particularly with respect to the middle class, because our values have slipped away. That same year, he delivered a speech in Chicago in which he also spoke about the need for a “new American century.” And in 2021, he was selected as a keynote speaker at a Foreign Policy Association conference in Washington, D.C.

In light of his past and present political views, can we expect a similar agenda from president Obama? One might think so given how he spoke about the need for “recession-proof growth,” a concept that directly contradicts most of the conservative thinking on the right. However, if you look at the conservative movement, it seems there is not a lot of pushback to Obama’s vision, as it is really just a rebranding of the conservative movement. It will just be rebranded with a different name, and perhaps an altered mission statement. Still, the new left-leaning media machine will need to put up a strong resistance against the president-elect. Please consider all this.
