Masha Maria Family


The Masha Maria family has roots in the Russian Empire. Today, this family is still very much present in the Russian culture and has been helping people since the ancient times. And all these centuries of service have given them a lot of experience in their chosen profession: they know how to make a woman beautiful, smart, and sensuous. In other words, they are making every Russian woman a complete person, with her mind, body, character, and soul.

Besides their great skills and talents, they are also using their knowledge in creating masks for dancers and musicians that give these people more appeal and importance than ever. The mask of the Masha Maria family has a unique design, with embroidery on both sides. This way, every time the dancer or musician wears the mask, everyone will remember him or her better, thanks to its beautiful design. The colors of the mask can be any color, depending on what is suitable for the occasion.

Today, being a member of the Masha Maria family is a privilege, not just for the members of this nationality, but for everyone who want to be part of this noble and historical tradition. However, it is hard for many people from other nationalities to understand how important it is to become a member of the Masha Maria family, due to their great heights. They can easily notice other people’s tallies because they know how special their family really is, thanks to their height difference. And being a member of their clan is even more precious. Each time someone visits their homeland, they will always remember the name of the family member, because of his or her height difference.
