Marriage Records – Nationality And Age


Kate Hutchins is an award winning author, speaker and consultant who teaches people about personal finance, retirement planning and general life skills. She is also the co-host of a very popular podcast on the subject of retirement, and has appeared on several national radio shows discussing these issues. As a result of this impressive career, Kate has written several books on these topics, and she now provides much of her information in an audio format as well as in hard copy format for people who prefer to read rather than listen.

One of the themes that runs throughout Kate’s work is the issue of nationality and marriage. The reasons that some people marry at a younger age than others, or get divorced at a younger age, are all related to their nationalities. Kate Hutchins identifies eight nationalities – British, Irish, German, Finnish, Portuguese, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Polish – as having marriage patterns that often produce results that are very different from those of those who do not. By focusing on these eight nationalities and exploring what their marriage records reveal, Kate can help readers see where their own marriage fits into this pattern of older marriage and divorce.

One of the themes that runs through Kate’s books is the question of race. Although the issue of race by itself does not affect the age at which people get married, it does impact upon nationality. In Kate’s words, “racial categories produce different results in marriage statistics.” She points out that “the United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand all have marriage rates that are notably different from each other.” The differences range from differences in race to differences in nationality, and to an extent the differences in marriage records themselves. This is a fascinating look into how race relates to marriage in modern society.
