Marriage Proposal Discussed


Juliana Montesanti is a Brazilian National who would be at least forty years old and of an Italian descent. However, her parents never served any papers for her nationality, thus making it impossible to confirm or deny her identity before the marriage proposal. Her parents owned a pizzeria which is where the marriage proposal took place. According to her version of events, she was just 15 years old at the time of the encounter. All that matters now is that she has married and is now raising her son with her new partner.

However, many people disagree with the idea that a marriage proposal should take place in a foreign country where one is legally ineligible to have a nationality or that one has to be of an Italian origin for it to count. They insist that age should be a factor in this instance as one is not legally a citizen of Brazil under the law according to the constitution and such. Moreover, if Juliana Montesanti had been of an Italian background, her marriage proposal may have been declined as her request for citizenship was not met by the attorney general, who is responsible for the immigration status of individuals within Brazil. This is one of the reasons why there are so many illegal immigrants in Brazil. Some simply choose to migrate to other countries where they can avail of the opportunity to have an American nationality or a Canadian one.

What exactly does age matter in a marriage proposal? According to the Brazilian law, an older applicant does not necessarily qualify for an immigrant visa. In the case of Juniana Montesanti, however, the attorney general deemed that her marriage proposal had enough of a connection to support her claim to Brazilian nationality. This therefore means that Juniana is still young enough as a legal adult to apply for an immigrant visa despite being of an Italian origin. Therefore, the age of the applicant does not necessarily impact on the outcome of the marriage proposal. In the end, the age of the person does not really matter when it comes to immigration.
