Marianna Mantzara, Partner For Nationality


Marianna Mantzara is an extremely unique character, with a rather unorthodox way of carrying out her business and personal affairs. She is also highly successful in the field of fashion design and has created her own line of clothing and jewelry. Her talent for innovative design has earned her a number of awards, including the prestigious International Women’s Award for Achievement. She began her career as a draftsman when she was young and began designing clothes for Italian military personnel during World War II.

Born in Turin, Italy, Marianna Mantzara is of Italian descent. Her citizenship is American, however, as her ancestry has traces of French, Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian origins. Her nationality is most identified in her title as a “Partner for Nationality”, which allows her to be both a national and a citizen of many countries at the same time. This position puts her in a rare category of people who can change their name and nationality at will, but is also an extremely risky and controversial move for any woman considering changing her name and nationality.

The legal consequences of changing your name and/or nationality are not generally known by the common public. There is very little information on the exact regulations that govern dual citizenship status (citing both the US government and foreign governments), so it is advisable for women considering changing their names or going on false identities to research and be fully prepared for what to expect when applying for state assistance and protection. If you choose to do this, it is important to be aware that the laws regarding dual citizenship are often more permissive in the US than in other countries, while the laws of many countries are similar; it is important to understand that the laws of every country are slightly different, and that the details will vary depending on the age of the woman, her place of birth, the nationality to which she belongs, and her age at the time of application.
