Marianna Jamadi – A Tragic Woman


Marianna Jamadi is a famous writer belonging to the category of modern writers and this article talks about her life and career. Marianna has published several novels and her works have won many awards at various competitions and she has been able to garner much appreciation from various parts of the globe. She was born in Iran and studied journalism before she decided to take up writing full-time. This was a decision that she has enjoyed immensely and after graduating she worked for the newspaper in Kerman, but later on shifted to Islamabad where she worked as a reporter for different newspapers. After that she started writing full-time and has published several novels for which she was also nominated for an Oscar for Best Writing.

Marianna was always described as a real lady with a big heart and no mind. This is one of the reasons why her partner has given her the nickname of “Queen”. After a few years when the recession hit the country, all the jobs were lost and people were left jobless. But this did not stop her from continuing with her profession and even during the time of the boom in the economy she continued with her work as she was not able to leave her job or even look for a new one. Her determination to continue with her work and to find a partner despite the difficulties was what helped her gain courage and later on made her attain success in this profession.

As a writer she has achieved several national and international awards but is often described as someone who has lived a simple and straightforward life. Despite being very humble and modest, she has achieved great heights in both her profession and in her personality. Marianna Jamadi is described by many as a very romantic person who has a big heart. She is described as a romantic woman by her own lovers and it seems that men are attracted towards these attributes. She is known to be a very loving person and was able to remain loyal to her partner even if they were divorced several times.
