Marianna Insomnia – Nationality And Age Were Not A Factor In Her Sleep Problems


Marianna Insomnia, Nationality and Age are three main factors that can determine how long someone may have to deal with insomnia problems. Marianna is a very unique case study in that she was diagnosed with multiple sleep disorders, which include the classic Insomnia, as well as narcolepsy, and chronic syndromes. However, Marianna did not fit into one of the above categories, she was instead a very specific type of personality, which had been diagnosed, in order to know exactly what type of person she was, and to better understand her relationship to the world.

As you can see from the information available, Marianna was a very special case, as she was a narcoleptic, which means that she had the ability to stop her breathing at random, and only return to it when her breathing was interrupted. Marianna was able to do this by simply walking out of the classroom where she was teaching, and by suddenly blowing into a paper bag. After several minutes, she would regain sufficient strength to walk and breathe normally again, even though she never got a good night’s rest. This, as you can imagine, made doctors, and her caregivers, wonder if her condition was some type of rare genetics, or if she had some sort of neurological issue, which required immediate treatment.

As you can see, both her nationality and age were irrelevant to her ability to sleep well. What was important to medical science was that she had a personality disorder, which required a certain amount of attention, in order for them to figure out the specifics of her illness. After spending several years looking at the various relationships that Marianna had, they were able to conclude that she was actually a person, with a unique personality, who just happened to have the problem of sleeping excessively.
