Mara Isabel โ€“ A Nationality?


Mara Isabel was born in the 14th century in the city of Malaga. She is one of the most beautiful women of Spain and her great height is remarkable. Her natural beauty is still evident even today in her physical appearance. In her early years, she had several relations with the Portuguese kings because she was married to one of them. Her marriage failed and she fell in love with Don Joam de Jesus, Duke of Burgundy who loved her for her height.

At that time in Spain, there were only few men of high stature so she felt excluded from the court. This created her desire to become famous and beautiful so she left her country to seek the throne of her husband in England. However, she was not welcomed by the English court and she returned back to her country. There, her height was once again the envy of the Spaniards since no woman was taller than she was. She married Don Diego Hurtado, Duke of Burgundy, but this marriage failed too.

In 15th century, she began studying the art of painting, writing and drawing. In fact, her talent in all fields combined into a great career in painting. Diego also became a respected painter and even established his own studio. Later, he started his career as a Spanish national and traveled to various countries of Europe. Today, Mara Isabel is recognized as a national and not just a ranker or a woman artist.
