Luisa Castao and Her Role As a Childhood Spy


Luisa Castao is the perfect example of a true “Cultural Icon”. A real life heroine and a real-life role model for many, she is without a doubt the crown jewel of our times. She epitomizes what it means to be an American – or any other nationality for that matter – because her personal identity is so strongly intertwined with her nationality. Her story is important and relevant to today’s youth, yet few Americans know much about her.

Born in Cuba to parents who were both American, Luisa was an American by birth but grew up loving and caring about her nationality. In fact, her love for her nationality extended to her education. She studied at the University of Havana and then went on to study at the prestigious Boston University. From there, she earned a PhD in education, which served as the basis for her fascinating biography, Castro vs. The Machine.

Castro never fit the typical mold for a college student, though, and even to this day is shrouded in mystery. Some see her as a symbol of the freedom and independence offered by socialism, but others see her as the symbol of modern Americana – a classic suburbanite who enjoyed her profession and held a prestigious position in academia, yet was not beholden to serving her country like her former peers. Her books are fascinating and hold great value for people interested in American history and the role of the writer in modern society, as well as a fascinating portrait of Castro’s Cuba. Her stature and height are subjects not often discussed in the United States but are relevant to her well-known biographies.
